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Daltoniana 123 Feb 2024 |
Issues 1-20 (Jan 1972 - May 1975) Issues 21-40 (Sep 1975 - Sep 1980) Issues 41-60 (Dec 1980 - Mar 1987) Issues 61-80 (Aug 1987 - Dec 1993) Issues 81-100 (May 1994 - Mar 2003)
Approved by vote of General Membership, July 27, 2009
1. Purpose of the Society
The name of the society is the International Colour Vision Society (the “Society”), abbreviated as ICVS. The previous name of the Society was the International Research Group on Colour Vision Deficiencies. The Society is a not-for-profit organization that aims to disseminate knowledge of all aspects of research relating to colour vision and colour vision deficiencies. Some objectives of the Society are to hold a biennial Symposium, bestow awards of the Society, and distribute information to members of the Society (“Members”) and the professional community. The Society may also assist other professional organizations in serving these stated aims and objectives.
2. Membership
Membership is open to any individual interested in any aspect of colour vision and colour vision research by payment of the appropriate membership fee. The Directors of the Society may determine different classes of membership, as well as the fees and privileges associated with each class of membership. A Member may resign from the Society by written notification to the Treasurer. A Member who resigns from the Society will not be entitled to a refund. An individual who fails to pay his/her membership fee for 2 years will be deemed to have resigned from the Society. All fees assessed by the Society - whether related to membership, proceedings publications, or other matters - must be paid in order for a Member to enjoy the privileges of membership, including voting in Society elections, holding a Society office, or contributing a presentation at a Symposium. Only such Members are considered to be in good standing.
3. Management
The management and control of the Society will be vested in a Board of Directors who are elected by the Members. The Directors will have ultimate authority and responsibility for all actions and policies of the Society. No action or policy of the Society is valid unless approved by the Board or its designee. Appointment as a Director is without remuneration.
There will be up to 13 elected Directors as follows:
General Secretary
10 additional Directors
A Director serves for a period of 4 years and is eligible for re-election. Directors’ terms are staggered so that close to half the positions become vacant every two years. The Directors may recruit one or more organizers of an upcoming Symposium to serve as an additional Director for a limited period. The Directors may also recruit additional Members to advise the Directors.
business meeting of the Directors will be held at each biennial Symposium. Quorum for the business meeting will be one half or more of the currently elected Directors. Each Director has equal vote on any motion considered by the Directors, which must receive a majority of votes cast in order to take effect. However, in the event of a tied vote, the President has the option of casting an additional tie-breaking vote.
Directors may also conduct business by email or phone conference during the time between biennial Symposia. In order for any motion considered by the Directors to take effect, a majority of Directors must cast votes, and the motion must receive a majority of votes cast in order to take effect. However, in the event of a tied vote, the President has the option of casting an additional tie-breaking vote.
The President will be responsible to the Members for ensuring that the conduct of the Directors is in accordance with the aims and objectives of the Society. The President will preside at the Symposium and will chair the business meeting of the Directors and the General Business meeting, except during that portion of a meeting devoted to an election to fill the position of President for a new term, when the General Secretary or his designee will preside.
The General Secretary will be responsible to the Directors for the administration and co-ordination of the affairs of the Society except those relating to finance and membership. The General Secretary will maintain minutes for the Directors’ business meetings and for the General Business meetings and will take the chair at such meetings if the President so directs or is unable to attend. The General Secretary will preside at the Symposium if the President so directs or is unable to perform this function.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the finances of the ICVS and will collect membership fees, maintain accounts and present a balance sheet at the business meeting of the Directors and at the general meeting of Members at a biennial Symposium. The Treasurer will also maintain a list of Members to assist in the distribution of materials to the membership. Individual Members are responsible to notify the Treasurer of changes of address.
All funds collected by the Society must be used to advance the aims and objectives of the Society stated in these Bylaws. In the event of dissolution of the Society, any remaining funds will be donated to another professional organization to support research on color vision, as determined by the Directors. The Directors of the Society are not personally liable for any debt, liability, or obligation of the Society. Any claim against the Society may seek only the funds or property of the Society.
If the position of any Director -- including the President, General Secretary, and Treasurer -- becomes vacant between elections, the Directors may appoint a Member to serve in that position until the next Symposium, at which an election will be held for that position.
A General Business meeting of the Members of the Society will be held at each biennial Symposium. Every Member in good standing is eligible to vote in person at a General Business meeting. Proxy voting is not permitted. Twenty-five Members or 20% of the Members, whichever is less, present at a General Business meeting will be considered as a quorum. A resolution put to the vote will be decided either by hand vote or by written ballot at the discretion of the President or the President’s designee.
4. Election of Directors
Nominations of Members to fill a vacant Director position must be received at a General Business Meeting of the Members of the Society held during a biennial Symposium and should include the name of a proposer and seconder, who are both Members of the Society, together with the nominee’s agreement to stand for election. Election of President, General Secretary, and Treasurer will be carried out at the General Business meeting at which they are nominated. The term of a Member elected to one of these positions will begin at the conclusion of the biennial Symposium at which the Member is elected to that position. The election of non-officer Directors will be carried out by the General Secretary (or the President, if the General Secretary is unable) within six months after the biennial Symposium. The election will be carried out in a manner that is approved by the Directors and that permits all Members to vote. The results will be announced to the Directors and Members as soon as practical after tabulation. The term of a non-officer Director will begin when the election results are announced to the Directors. The terms of Directors not continuing or re-elected will conclude at this same time.
5. The Biennial Symposium
The biennial Symposium provides an opportunity for people interested in all aspects of colour vision to meet and discuss new fundamental, clinical and practical research findings and new measurement techniques. Members in good standing may submit abstracts for contributed oral or posters presentations at a Symposium. These will be subject to a reviewing procedure by the organizing committee. The decision of the organizing committee with regard to acceptance of a presentation is final. Non-Members may also be invited to attend and present lectures. The financial affairs for a Symposium are maintained by the organizers and are separate from the financial affairs of the Society. Although the Society bears no responsibility for Symposium finances, the Directors may provide funds to assist aspects of a Symposium, such as travel grants and registration fees. The Society will fund a portion of the cost for award recipients to attend the Symposium, if these expenses cannot be born by the Symposium budget. Members should indicate interest in organizing a Symposium to the General Secretary. The Directors will consider potential venues and organizers for future Symposia and make recommendations to the Members, who will vote to determine the final choice.
6. Awards
The Society will bestow awards, including the Verriest Medal, that are approved by the Directors. The Verriest Medal, in honor of Guy Verriest, is presented at each Symposium to an individual who, in the opinion of the Directors, has made a significant contribution to the advancement of one or more aspects of colour-vision research. The recipient of the Verriest Medal is expected to deliver a lecture during the Symposium at which the Medal is awarded. The Directors may appoint a Verriest Medal Committee to consider nominees for the award. Either the Committee or the Directors will solicit nominations in time for consideration before the upcoming Symposium.
7. Information Distribution
The Society will distribute information to Members and the wider professional community. The nature and means of this distribution will be determined by the Directors and may include, but is not limited to, newsletters, websites, and Symposium proceedings.
8. Approval and Amendment of the Bylaws
These Bylaws become effective immediately upon the vote of approval of at least 2/3 of the Members present and voting at a General Business meeting. Thereafter, any Member may propose an amendment to the Bylaws to be considered at a General Business meeting by submitting the proposed change at least 30 days prior to the General Business meeting. The proposed change will be circulated to all Members at least 14 days before the General Business meeting. To become part of the Bylaws, a proposed amendment must obtain the vote of approval of at least 2/3 of the Members present and voting at a General Business meeting. Any amendment so approved takes effect immediately, unless another time is specified in the approved amendment.
ICVS OfficersJohn Mollon, DSc, FRS Sérgio Nascimento, PhD Neil Parry, PhD
Board of DirectorsJenny Bosten, PhD |
ICVS Bylaws |
The International Colour Vision Society (ICVS) is an international group of physiologists, psychologists, physicists, geneticists, optometrists, ophthalmologists and visual scientists who have a research interest in the many aspects of colour vision and colour vision deficiencies.
Brief History of the Society
The Society began its existence as the International Research Group for Colour Vision Deficiencies (IRGCVD), and was conceived by a group of clinicians and visual scientists during the AIC Congress held in Stockholm in 1969. Its first formal meeting, in Ghent in 1971, was devoted to acquired deficiencies of colour vision.
In its early years, the mainstay of the IRGCVD was the Belgian ophthalmologist Guy Verriest (1927-1988), who acted as both Secretary and Editor. In 1991, a special award was bestowed by the Society to honor long-term contributions to the field of colour vision in his name to recognize his contribution to the Society.
The IRGCVD changed its name to the International Colour Vision Society in 1997, to recognize that presentations on the basic mechanisms of colour vision were increasingly prominent at the biennial meetings.
Membership of ICVS is in two-year cycles. For the period 1/1/24 to 31/12/25, the subscription (in Euros) will be:
- Standard €150
- Student* €32
- Retired €32
* Recent post-docs should note that student membership includes anyone who received their doctorate during the last cycle, i.e. on or after 1/1/2022.
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