On these pages, we present videos which have been produced with the support of ICVS.


In this video series, we explore human colour vision and colour perception through the lens of neuroscientists, psychologists, and physicists working in the field. We examine how light hitting the back surface of our eye leads to signals in the cones and rods and how these can be measured using modern non-invasive techniques, how spectral imaging can allow us to "see" what the human eye cannot, and also examine what we learned from #TheDress.

Produced by Dr. Manuel Spitschan, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford (2018). Funded by OSA Color Technical Group, International Colour Vision Society (ICVS), Colour Group (GB) & Oxford Vision Group (OxVis).

1. Seeing Neurons inside the living human eye

2. Neurons code the colours we see

3. More than meets the eye - hyperspectral imaging

4. Panel discussion: #TheDress. What do we know?



Click here to see a promo video for the ICVS summer school, last held online August 2020 in Oxford, UK.  We plan to hold the next in-person summer school in 2023.