31st July - 4th August 2023
Pembroke College, Oxford

Deadline extended to 13th March

We invite applications for the ICVS Summer School 2023 at Pembroke College, Oxford, UK, 31st July - 4th August 2023 (arrival 30th July; departure 4th August). The school will accept selected students and young researchers with basic knowledge of colour vision. It will focus on colour vision and its applications. The school will include lectures, discussion, and hands-on workshops, providing opportunities for formal and informal interaction with leading colour-vision researchers.

Applications should be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before March 13th, 2023 with subject line “ICVS Summer School”. Inquiries may also be sent to this email address. Applications should include a letter of motivation and a CV. The letter should include a 1-paragraph description of an idea for a science outreach activity appropriate for a general audience of 16-17 year old students. The CV should include a list of any publications.

 The fee is £800 (which includes tuition, accommodation, breakfast, lunch and a conference dinner). A limited number of grants to help offset the fee will be awarded. If a grant is essential for participation this should be justified in the letter of motivation. 


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Click here to see some pictures from a previous summer school.


Confirmed Faculty

David Brainard (Psychology, University of Pennsylvania)

Jenny Bosten (Psychology, University of Sussex)

Karl Gegenfurtner (Psychology, Giessen University)

Anya Hurlbert (Institute of Neuroscience, University of Newcastle upon Tyne)

John Mollon (Psychology, University of Cambridge)

Neil Parry (Vision Science Centre, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital) 

Sara Patterson (Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester) 

Steven Shevell (Psychology and Ophthalmology, University of Chicago) 

Hannah Smithson (Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford)

Allie Hexley (Experimental Psychology, University of Oxford)

Andrew Stockman (Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London)

Sérgio Nascimento (Physics, University of Minho)

Michael Webster (Psychology, University of Nevada, Reno)



International Colour Vision Society (https://www.icvs.info)

Organizing Committee

Hannah Smithson (https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/team/hannah-smithson)

Neil Parry (https://www.manchester.ac.uk/research/neil.parry)

David Brainard (http://color.psych.upenn.edu)

Allie Hexey (https://www.psy.ox.ac.uk/people/allie-hexley)

Confirmed sponsors