The next ICVS summer school will run from Monday 11th August to Friday 15th August 2025, with students arriving on Sunday 10th.  As in previous years, it will take place at Pembroke College, Oxford, UK.  We will post further details soon.  In the meantime, please put these dates in your diary. 

On this page is a promotional video we made at the 2018 school.  If you are thinking of applying, or think one of your team should attend, by all means drop us a line at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we'll put you on our mailing list.


We look forward to seeing you in Oxford this summer.

Hannah Smithson, David Brainard, Neil Parry, Rebekah White and Takuma Morimoto


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security settings.  You can also watch it by going to YouTube here.